Elala Curtain & Sofa

Giving your home a new style

ኢላላ መጋረጃ እና የሶፋ ጨርቅ በዋነኛነት ቤቶንም ሆነ የስራ ቦታውን ውብ እና ማራኪ ማድረግ ነው አላማው የመኖሪያ ቤትም ሆነ የቢሮ መጋረጃ በፈለጉት አይነት ስፋት ብዛት እና ርዝመት እንዲሁም ከለር ያገኛሉ ።

የመጋረጃ ጨርቆች
መስቀያ ብረቶች
የወገብ ማሰሪየ ጌጦች
ሁሉ ሙሉ ራሳችን ለክተን ሰርተን እንገጥማለን

ፍጥነት እና ጥራት የድርጅታችን መለያ ናቸው
የሌለን የለም ብቻ ነው ።





መርካቶ አዲስ አበባ የገበያ
መእከል የሱቅ ቁ A 204




1, መጋረጃ

1, መጋረጃ

As a social influencer on TikTok since 2016, I can help businesses and individuals grow their online presence. I offer services in content creation, social media strategy, brand promotion, and audience engagement. Through my proven track record, I help brands reach a wider audience and engage with their target market in innovative ways.

2, የሶፋ ጨርቅ እና ልብስ

2, የሶፋ ጨርቅ እና ልብስ

With a passion for social impact, I design and execute community development programs focused on education, environmental conservation, and social change. I leverage both offline and online platforms, including my TikTok following, to raise awareness on key social issues and inspire collective action for positive change.

3, የመጅሊስ ልብስ

3, የመጅሊስ ልብስ

Holding a Master’s degree in Project Management from Yardstick International College, I specialize in guiding organizations and individuals through successful project implementation. My services include project planning, risk management, budgeting, and timelines. I offer tailored strategies to ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet all objectives.


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